In my opinion this card is brilliant. From some distance and angles you can just see the word "hi", and when you capture the right angle the rest of the word that you couldn't see appears. There probably wouldn't be any business card idea that would suit the company's name as this one does.
27 Kasım 2012 Salı
What a Business Card!
This week I looked at different kinds of business cards, since we will soon be doing them. I have found really interesting ones. I know that a lot of designs I shared here would be nowhere near what we will do for the course. Moreover the production of them would be very costly, but the important thing is appreciating the imagination and intelligence.

In my opinion this card is brilliant. From some distance and angles you can just see the word "hi", and when you capture the right angle the rest of the word that you couldn't see appears. There probably wouldn't be any business card idea that would suit the company's name as this one does.
In my opinion this card is brilliant. From some distance and angles you can just see the word "hi", and when you capture the right angle the rest of the word that you couldn't see appears. There probably wouldn't be any business card idea that would suit the company's name as this one does.
20 Kasım 2012 Salı
A Very Creative Way to Say...
I think laughing is one of the most important things in life. There are probably noone that doesn't like laughing. I really respect and admire people who can make people- or me, it doesn't matter- laugh, but of course if he or she does it in very clever ways.
I'm sharing a video of a YouTube celebrity named Nigahiga, whose actual name is Ryan Higa. He is a very popular and successful YouTube user with a number of subscribers of over 6 million. The majority of his videos are comedic videos, and they are very cleverly done and usually surprising.
Now back to the video I shared here: It's not a funny video of his but, it was so imaginative that it gave me goosebumps. That's why I wanted to share it here. He dedicated this video to his fans and subscribers. I don't want to spoil the video by mentioning what he says in the end, but I can say that with the objects he used in his previous videos he creates something really beautiful.
And I wanted to share a funny video of his, since I talked so much about laughing and funny videos. This video is from his imaginary product advertisement series. It's so simple yet it's great. I would want to share more videos of his but it's better to keep it short :)
I'm sharing a video of a YouTube celebrity named Nigahiga, whose actual name is Ryan Higa. He is a very popular and successful YouTube user with a number of subscribers of over 6 million. The majority of his videos are comedic videos, and they are very cleverly done and usually surprising.
Now back to the video I shared here: It's not a funny video of his but, it was so imaginative that it gave me goosebumps. That's why I wanted to share it here. He dedicated this video to his fans and subscribers. I don't want to spoil the video by mentioning what he says in the end, but I can say that with the objects he used in his previous videos he creates something really beautiful.
9 Kasım 2012 Cuma
Cosplay (short for "costume play") is a type of performance art in which participants wear costumes and accessories to represent a specific character or idea. Most common inspiration include anime and manga, comic books, video games and films. I will share here photos of cosplays that are inspired by anime and manga.
By the way, I like the cosplays Asians- especially Japanese- make because they can give the feeling of the character better, at least in the area of anime and manga characters. When I look at some of the cosplays I found myself saying "Whoa, he or she exactly looks like the character!". But I'm not very interested in western cosplay but they must have give the feeling of the characters like Spider Man, Super Man etc. better which are the products of western culture.

By the way, I like the cosplays Asians- especially Japanese- make because they can give the feeling of the character better, at least in the area of anime and manga characters. When I look at some of the cosplays I found myself saying "Whoa, he or she exactly looks like the character!". But I'm not very interested in western cosplay but they must have give the feeling of the characters like Spider Man, Super Man etc. better which are the products of western culture.
- Cosplay of Hatsune Miku from the voice creation program Vocaloid
- Cosplay of Lelouch Lamperouge from the anime Code Geass
- Cosplay of Sakata Gintoki from the anime Gintama
- Cosplay of Nakahara Sunako from the anime Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge
- Cosplay of Cloud Strife from the video game Final Fantasy
- Cosplay of L from the anime Death Note

- Cosplay of Death the Kid from the anime Soul Eater
- Cosplay of Medusa from the anime Soul Eater.
6 Kasım 2012 Salı
Fun Illustrations for T-Shirts
An illustrator named Nacho Díaz Arjona makes very fun and clever illustrations mostly for T-shirts. Most of the works have the quality to make you smile as well as to give you a message.Another thing that is good about his illustrations is that they can be understood easiliy. I will share some of them here:
This illustration is my favourite one, because it's so simple, yet so clever. The relation the designer found is brilliant.
This illustration is my favourite one, because it's so simple, yet so clever. The relation the designer found is brilliant.
1 Kasım 2012 Perşembe
From Images To An Imaginary Company
Recently for our VA301 course, there was this homework that we're supposed to conjure up a company, along with its name and its logo by looking at irrelevant images and associating them together. First of all, here there are the images I chose:

And here is the picture with all of them together:
When I first looked at the photo with "superhero"ish granny I thought that the company could be a "hero creator/provider" company. I tried to analyze deeply then, I thought " She is old yet she could be a superhero, so it reminds me something that is easy to attain, a company that gives importance to equality and is lenient."
Another thing that strengthened my decision that the company should be a hero creator company, is the picture with the city peeling off the ground. The city peeling off gave the sense of a disater; for example as if the city is tsunami itself. So city has many problems and disasters in itself, and what would be good for a city like that? A superhero!
Another picture is the one with the people who have huge grins on their face. When I looked at this picture I thought of two different things:
1) The company must be such a company that has almost 100% customer satisfaction; but almost, because noone is perfect. The customers must be happy enough to grin from ear to ear.
2) These people have huge grins on their face and look happy, but not all of these people's eyes smile as their lips do. So this brings the fact that there are lots of people that have bad intentions who can hide their true nature and look like a good person. If a customer of this hero provider company happens to be one of these people, the consequences would be really dangerous.
But how can the company distinguish these bad people? Actually it won't have to do anything, leaving this matter to nature itself will do. I'll explain later.
The picture with vases that resemble bust sculptures which have plants sprouting from their top gave me the idea of how the company will work: The company will sell seeds that create the superheroes. The seeds will vary according to the capabilities of the hero, its ripening time, and the duration of its existence.When the customer receives the seed, he or she will plant the seed. And when it gives its fruit, which will look like a translucent sphere that has the function of a womb, the superhero will fulfil the duty given. When the duty is fulfilled the hero's existence will come to an end.
About the matter of distinguishing ill-mannered people, earth will do it. Earth has the feature of absorbing negative energy, not just physical but spiritual too. If someone with bad purpose plants this seed, it will not give fruit at all; because the earth will absord the person's negativity and that negativity will cease the growth. By the way the company warns the customers about this matter beforehand.
The last image which is a woman's body with multiple arms reminded me of someone who could reach or do anything, well and fast at that. The superheroes provided by the company would be like that too in their area of duty. Another thing is, the creature looks weird, almost like a freak, but it's beautiful and elegant at the same time; and that's how the company is.
These are my final sketches. I decided to name the company "SOWHERO" , inspired by the saying "You reap what you sow." The customers will sow the hero, then they will reap the hero. I thought the sowing action has more importance and meaning here, so it's not reaphero.
And here is the picture with all of them together:
When I first looked at the photo with "superhero"ish granny I thought that the company could be a "hero creator/provider" company. I tried to analyze deeply then, I thought " She is old yet she could be a superhero, so it reminds me something that is easy to attain, a company that gives importance to equality and is lenient."
Another thing that strengthened my decision that the company should be a hero creator company, is the picture with the city peeling off the ground. The city peeling off gave the sense of a disater; for example as if the city is tsunami itself. So city has many problems and disasters in itself, and what would be good for a city like that? A superhero!
Another picture is the one with the people who have huge grins on their face. When I looked at this picture I thought of two different things:
1) The company must be such a company that has almost 100% customer satisfaction; but almost, because noone is perfect. The customers must be happy enough to grin from ear to ear.
2) These people have huge grins on their face and look happy, but not all of these people's eyes smile as their lips do. So this brings the fact that there are lots of people that have bad intentions who can hide their true nature and look like a good person. If a customer of this hero provider company happens to be one of these people, the consequences would be really dangerous.
But how can the company distinguish these bad people? Actually it won't have to do anything, leaving this matter to nature itself will do. I'll explain later.
The picture with vases that resemble bust sculptures which have plants sprouting from their top gave me the idea of how the company will work: The company will sell seeds that create the superheroes. The seeds will vary according to the capabilities of the hero, its ripening time, and the duration of its existence.When the customer receives the seed, he or she will plant the seed. And when it gives its fruit, which will look like a translucent sphere that has the function of a womb, the superhero will fulfil the duty given. When the duty is fulfilled the hero's existence will come to an end.
About the matter of distinguishing ill-mannered people, earth will do it. Earth has the feature of absorbing negative energy, not just physical but spiritual too. If someone with bad purpose plants this seed, it will not give fruit at all; because the earth will absord the person's negativity and that negativity will cease the growth. By the way the company warns the customers about this matter beforehand.
The last image which is a woman's body with multiple arms reminded me of someone who could reach or do anything, well and fast at that. The superheroes provided by the company would be like that too in their area of duty. Another thing is, the creature looks weird, almost like a freak, but it's beautiful and elegant at the same time; and that's how the company is.
These are my final sketches. I decided to name the company "SOWHERO" , inspired by the saying "You reap what you sow." The customers will sow the hero, then they will reap the hero. I thought the sowing action has more importance and meaning here, so it's not reaphero.
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