This campaign was very successful and received awards. I too think that this is a brilliant advertisement; the idea is great and the imagination in the design is strong.
16 Aralık 2012 Pazar
Life is Too Short For the Wrong Job
With the slogan of "Life is too Short for the wrong job." - a german employment site- released series of advertisements that visually represent the slogan. The advertisements were designed by scholz & friends berlin. The concept of the designs is humans working in everyday machines, providing the operation of them.
This campaign was very successful and received awards. I too think that this is a brilliant advertisement; the idea is great and the imagination in the design is strong.
This campaign was very successful and received awards. I too think that this is a brilliant advertisement; the idea is great and the imagination in the design is strong.
Photo Manipulations
Photo manipulation had always interested me in some way. I enjoy looking at something fantastic that is made from something that was actually real. Lately I run acrosss a couple of digital photo manipulations that were made by Sarolta Bán . I like her style very much: dark and mysterious. I think she had come up with great relationships within objects she used in her work and most of them tell something to the viewer so they are not just fancy yet empty works. I will share the ones that I liked the most.
4 Aralık 2012 Salı
Barbie is Everywhere!!!
A couple of days ago, one of my dear friends sent me an e-mail, which contained images of jewelery that were made by Barbie parts. It intrigued me so I researced further. I found many interesting things; although I think some of them are quite creepy I still appreciate the imagination and craftmanship of the artist. I will share the ones that I most liked but if you want to look at the rest here is the website:
The artist's -Margaux Lange- comment on her barbie jewelery is very senseful:
"I enjoy the funny juxtaposition of wearing the body, on the body. Barbie has become the accessory instead of being accessorized. I take pleasure in the contrast and contradiction of something mass-produced being transformed and revealed as a unique, handmade, wearable piece of art."
Barbie is definitely more than it seems. I'm not in the stage to deeply analyze and judge but I believe it's something that is hard to work with, since it has such strong impression on society.
The artist's -Margaux Lange- comment on her barbie jewelery is very senseful:
"I enjoy the funny juxtaposition of wearing the body, on the body. Barbie has become the accessory instead of being accessorized. I take pleasure in the contrast and contradiction of something mass-produced being transformed and revealed as a unique, handmade, wearable piece of art."
Barbie is definitely more than it seems. I'm not in the stage to deeply analyze and judge but I believe it's something that is hard to work with, since it has such strong impression on society.
The one above is a bracelet by the way. It looks kinda ambigious, but
in my opinion it's a brilliant idea =)

This is the back of the breast necklace. I think the word play is
really good.
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