Graphic design business has a lot of difficulties, especially the nonsensical things the clients say or want can be so annoying. Irish Graphic designers Mark Shanley and Paddy Treacybecame so frustratedby the stupid client criticism that they decided to make posters out of their favourite worst feedbacks.
Teamed with some other graphic designers, illustrators, directors etc. they created a poster series called "Sharp Suits" . Making these sarcastic posters is a very creative way to let out the exasperation they had because of their clients, I liked them :)
15 Mayıs 2013 Çarşamba
25 Nisan 2013 Perşembe
Representing Scientists With Only Typography
A graphic designer named Kapil Bhagat did some typographic posters to celebrate the Science Day in India. The posters are minimal typographic representations of some well-known scientists. In my opinion they are excellent and very cleverly done. My favourite is the one with Einstein; to be able to think and use the equation E=mc2 in the design so relevantly, the designer did a great job!

18 Nisan 2013 Perşembe
What If the Placement Screws the Design Up?
When creating an advertisement, a poster etc. designers give full attention to the principles of design, try to make it attractive and nice. (I'm perfectly aware that some of the designs I will be putting below are not good, though.) But world is not always fair; sometimes unlucky things can happen to the design.
Some happenings are funny and entertaining but some are absolutely not! At least they're not permanent, so they won't do much damage.
Some happenings are funny and entertaining but some are absolutely not! At least they're not permanent, so they won't do much damage.
24 Mart 2013 Pazar
Watch Out!
It's a known thing that Soviet Russia was using posters as a means of propaganda etc. profusely. Their posters have a unique style to them in both visual style and the way of conveying message. I will share some Soviet accident prevention posters. They are quite different from the usual accident prevetion posters that people are used to see.
Most of them are disturbing, but most probably that's why that they are so effective. I guess after seeing this one wouldn't dare not to be careful. I read somewhere that when this posters were around, there were actually very few accidents.
Hide the hair.
Don’t open the lid of the picker before the engine stops.
Don’t use your leg for taking off the belting.
Don’t leave anything without bracing.
Tie yourself working on steep roofs.
I was drunk at work.
Clinch the nails.
Don’t try with your finger if there is electricity.
Don’t walk under the transmission arbor.
Most of them are disturbing, but most probably that's why that they are so effective. I guess after seeing this one wouldn't dare not to be careful. I read somewhere that when this posters were around, there were actually very few accidents.
Hide the hair.
Don’t open the lid of the picker before the engine stops.
Don’t use your leg for taking off the belting.
Don’t leave anything without bracing.
Tie yourself working on steep roofs.
I was drunk at work.
Clinch the nails.
Don’t try with your finger if there is electricity.
Don’t walk under the transmission arbor.
It's clear that many logos-actually almost all of them, be it very famous or not, have evolved in time. They had to change, because people always change. One obvious thing is the crowded designs gave way to much simple designs that have much more negative space. And it's continuing to be like that, and will be.
And why the designs becoming more and more simple? My opinion is that the time span of people looking things became much narrower, because people became very busy or lazy.
So, Antrepo that is a multi-disciplinary design consultancy, made a project where they show more simple design solutions for some brand packaging. I think some of them works really well, but some of them are not working. For example transparent packages sustain very simple designs because everyone can see what's in it although they don't know the brand. But it's very different with opaque packages, some of them will be problematic. For example, in my opinion simple versions of Nesquik and Pringles packages doesn't work. I mean, one cannot ignore children, the actual target audience, and remove the Nesquik Bunny from the package; it would be cruel and boring to them.And there's this question? If the designs become minimal to the end, won't they become soulless and too generic?
And why the designs becoming more and more simple? My opinion is that the time span of people looking things became much narrower, because people became very busy or lazy.
So, Antrepo that is a multi-disciplinary design consultancy, made a project where they show more simple design solutions for some brand packaging. I think some of them works really well, but some of them are not working. For example transparent packages sustain very simple designs because everyone can see what's in it although they don't know the brand. But it's very different with opaque packages, some of them will be problematic. For example, in my opinion simple versions of Nesquik and Pringles packages doesn't work. I mean, one cannot ignore children, the actual target audience, and remove the Nesquik Bunny from the package; it would be cruel and boring to them.And there's this question? If the designs become minimal to the end, won't they become soulless and too generic?
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