25 Nisan 2013 Perşembe

Representing Scientists With Only Typography

A graphic designer named Kapil Bhagat did some typographic posters to celebrate the Science Day in India. The posters are minimal typographic representations of some well-known scientists. In my opinion they are excellent and very cleverly done. My favourite is the one with Einstein; to be able to think  and use the equation E=mc2 in the design so relevantly, the designer did a great job!

18 Nisan 2013 Perşembe

What If the Placement Screws the Design Up?

When creating an advertisement, a poster etc. designers give full attention to the principles of design, try to make it attractive and nice. (I'm perfectly aware that some of the designs I will be putting below are not good, though.) But world is not always fair; sometimes unlucky things can happen to the design.
Some happenings are funny and entertaining but some are absolutely not! At least they're not permanent, so they won't do much damage.